Your donations make a difference right here in our LOCAL community!
Thank you for being a part of a community that takes care of our own!
Donate today and help support cancer patients in Rice County, MN with non-medical needs.
How far can a donation go to help others?
A $100 donation means two gas cards to help patients get to treatment centers, or a two nights hotel stay during treatment, or one utility bill. It means less worry and more time with family and loved ones because of your generosity
Send in a Donation
Simply mail in a check to:
Light of Hope
PO Box 934
Faribault, MN 55021
for any dollar amount.
Want to make a donation in memory or honor of someone? That is an amazing tribute and we will make that happen.
Employer Match
We'll work with you to create an employer match program so that you can keep your donation dollars local.