About Light of Hope Cancer Foundation
There are several types of cancer and no matter what you are facing, the needs are similar.
The Light of Hope Cancer Foundation provides support no matter what type of cancer
you have. We believe in what we do.
Fueled by a passion for compassion, we work hard to help Faribault and Rice County
residents diagnosed with cancer.
We are an organization led by a volunteer Board of Directors and the hearts of many volunteers.
Our Mission Statement
To empower local cancer patients and families to focus on treatment and healing by providing
immediate and practical financial support while advocating and fundraising for research,
education and cancer prevention
What We Do
In Faribault and Rice County, we are proud to take care of our own. There are a number of ways you can support cancer patients with the Light of Hope Cancer Foundation - from monetary donations, to joining our events, to showing your support by volunteering at an event. Money raised here stays here! Regardless of how you contribute, your donations are put to good use, specifically for the benefit of cancer patients and their families in Rice County.